One of the things that I didn’t learn from school but learned along our family’s homeschooling journey is that Easter lasts 50 days. My friend Truly Rich Mom Tina first brought that to my attention a year ago. So let me greet all of you a happy and joyous Easter season!
Easter Sunday is special to our five-year-old daughter. It’s one of the few times in the year that she gets to be an angel in our parish’s festivities. My husband and I strive to get Little T, and eventually her brother too, to participate in meaningful celebrations of our faith, and veer away from commercialism.
Recently, Little T saw a newspaper ad about an Easter celebration at a mall. She wondered aloud about why it is about Easter but is not about Jesus. Shouldn’t it be about Jesus, she asked. My heart leapt with joy and gratitude upon hearing her words. We seem to be doing something right... I hope!
Some Lenten Activities
I plan simple faith-themed activities to keep our focus on the reasons of religious celebrations. The internet is a treasure trove of ideas! The summer heat has made me languid though. Our preparation for Lent and Easter consisted of a Lenten calendar from Catholic Icing and a few Easter books, which I will write about next time.
They “anointed” Jesus (marshmallows) with “oil” (butter), sprinkled Him with some spices (cinnamon sugar), and wrapped Him in “fine linen” (homemade crescent rolls). He is then buried... in the oven.
After three days - or 12 minutes - the tomb is opened and Jesus isn’t there anymore. He is Risen!
Religious celebrations like Easter and Christmas are now under attack from too much commercialism. What we do about it is up to us, the parents. But information is free and is right at our fingertips. We only have to look for inspiration and do it!
How did you make Easter meaningful for your children?
Make magic!

Wanted to make Resurrection rolls but got scared because I never really baked bread before. Easy lang? Baking playdate! :D
Easy lang... especially because Wonderful G did it haha!
Yes to baking playdate! Planning a book about pizzas for both kids. May! :D
Look at this, ladies! :) A no-bake recipe for Easter cookies! :) Hehe! Wala lang. Singit lang! :)
Looks yummy!!!
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