Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Maestro Classics Giveaway!

I love sharing my fabulous educational finds with friends and readers here on the blog. Giving those same friends and readers a chance to also have and experience my fab finds is a wonderful bonus. That's why I was so thrilled when Maestro Classics generously offered to host a giveaway here at The Learning Basket.

Maestro Classics is one of the gems that I am so happy to have discovered last year. It is a company dedicated to introducing classical music to children through its high quality and age-appropriate CD productions featuring the London Philharmonic Orchestra. These recordings come with exciting narration by Professor Konrad Czynski, known as Yadu in the Maestro Classics CDs. (When two-year-old Little Sir started asking for Yadu all the time, I knew I had another winning educational material!)

In addition to the main orchestral track, the albums also contain recordings of the conductor explaining the music and of the producer talking about the life and times of the composer. Other fun musical recordings are also included, such as the unforgettable "Speed Metal Swan," a rock version of the theme of Tschaikovsky's Swan Lake, and the highly danceable "Russian Peter" by a Russian folk trio.

Last month, I wrote about how my children and I fell in love with Maestro Classics' "Peter and the Wolf." We used the CD to introduce classical music in our home and to appreciate Russian music as we were reading a book then set in Russia. We followed it up with "The Story of Swan Lake" as we prepared to watch a ballet recital.

You now have the chance to enjoy classical music with your children with the perfect musical story - "Peter and the Wolf." Just follow the Rafflecopter and make sure to say hello to the wonderful folks behind Maestro Classics!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and Condition: This giveaway is open worldwide. Maestro Classics will ship the CD with the accompanying 24-page educational booklet to the U.S.-based winner, but will give an mp3 download if the winner is a non-U.S. resident. This giveaway will run until June 1, 2013.

Make magic!

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